In PoN!, players are peaceful armadillos who live on an island threatened by terrible robots that cut down trees, pollute rivers, mine and burn, destroying nature. Faced with such devastation, the island's ecosystem becomes increasingly unstable and could collapse and disappear altogether.
A group of brave armadillos decide to take on the robots and protect the island. And that's when they discover that their enemies are not just machines. They are other armadillos, just like them, but trapped in robotic shells, unable to think or act for themselves.
Players then have to work as a team and free their friends from robotic domination, so that together they can defend nature and help restore balance to the island.
The mobile game PoN! is based on the board game PoN, created by Danes Jacob Raffn and Frederik Lassen as an immersive experience in the concepts of French philosopher Bruno Latour.
The work deals with the relationship between nature and human beings, beyond an anthropocentric perspective, as presented in his book "Politics of Nature", published in 1999 in France and in 2019 in Brazil. PoN was the subject of Raffn's doctoral thesis (2020).